Illegal Street Takeover Thugs Destroy A Woman's Sports Car In Connecticut

8 months ago

Posted • June 20, 2024: Street takeovers are becoming an increasing issue in communities across the country. Earlier this week, one street takeover event in Tolland, Connecticut led to the destruction of a woman’s car and an ambulance on its way to a medical emergency. It’s just the latest in a litany of these dumb, dangerous driving events where idiots masquerading as car enthusiasts terrorize citizens for the sake of showing off. In the video, several street takeover participants are seen approaching a silver Toyota MR2 Spyder as it is stopped in the middle of an intersection. Initially, the mob is kicking the vehicle as it attempts to leave the scene. However, the woman then steps out of the vehicle to admonish the crowd. When she does so, a few members of the group leap onto the vehicle’s convertible top. After a few moments of stomping and kicking away at the silver sports car, the video ends.

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