'You Look Exactly How I Would Imagine You'd Look' - 'Just Stop Oil' Trust Fund Dweeb Reveals Himself

8 months ago

Posted • June 20, 2024: You've already read how the Just Stop Oil cultists defaced Stonehenge ahead of the Summer Solstice because if they don't, we'll all die from Climate Crisis. And you've probably also seen how these increasingly stupid stunts are bringing the left and right together in their loathing of the brainwashed child activists. Well, meet, Naimh, an Oxford student who gave his testimony as to why he had to do it. For context, you can read "Oxford" as "Harvard for people with bad teeth". -- You look exactly how I would imagine you’d look. 💁🏼‍♂️ Yes. At this point in history, parodies are parodies of parodies. You could be forgiven for thinking the wee lad is part of Just Stop Ollie - Ollie being the Football Hooligan who beat him up.

So who is Naimh? There's some speculation. David Burge @iowahawkblog: “AI prompt: please create a video the most ludicrous possible trust fund poetry major from a family of posh British twits.” -- We have an AI fever dream. -- They is being held in Azkaban. A Hogwarts drop-out. I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate Naimh wasn't the birth name they/them were given. A they/them with a pretentious, gender meaningless name. Just Stop Seeking Attention From Daddy. An affirmation-starved youngster. Regardless, he isn't getting the love he needs. -- Dr Anjana Khatwa @jurassicg1rl: “For millions of Indigenous & Global South ppl across the world, rock is sacred. It is imbued with a spirit & resilience that trascends our own existence. Your word "inert" is offensive & speaks of a colonialist Western mindset that divorces our spirit from nature.”

We mean, if you lose the rock-is-sacred-to-Indigenous-and-Global-South-peoples flakes, we'll, you might as well pack it up and go home. Yes, this is a real person, we looked her up because we just had to know if we were being punked. Naimh has been brainwashed by a death cult. Sad! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'You Look Exactly How I Would Imagine You’d Look - Stop Oil Trust Fund Dweeb Reveals Himself

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