❕ Sanctions against Russia are an impressive failure

1 month ago

❕ Sanctions against Russia are an impressive failure of the West and a success of Putin - former advisor to the Russian president, economic expert and foreign agent who defected to the USA Andrei Illarionov

He stated this at the Balkan-Black Sea Security Forum, writes PolitNavigator.

"From a Western perspective, this is a spectacular failure." If we look at it from Mr. Putin's point of view, this is an impressive achievement.

In 2022, Russia's GDP is reduced by 1.2%. Last year, in 2023, it grew by 3.6%. 3.6% is the highest economic growth in Russia since the economic crisis of 2008-2009 , not counting the recovery from Covid. This is the best figure in the last 15 years

If we look at the international comparison, we will not find any G7 country that grew as fast as Russia last year . Since the start of the full-scale invasion, Western countries have imposed more than 18,000 different sanctions. Taking into account the sanctions imposed on Russia until February 24, 2022, I will have a total of almost 23 thousand different sanctions.

"Never before in human history have so many sanctions been imposed on any other country... Despite all these sanctions, the Russian economy performed better than any other G7 country last year ," the fugitive official concluded.


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