INTENTION Part 1, Kevin M. Day USN ret. / M. Ed speaks openly USS Princeton, USS Nimitz Tic Tac UAP

4 days ago

In this episode we interview Kevin M. Day, USN ret. / M. Ed. (Chief Radar Operator, USS Princeton).

Kevin starts off talking about the MADAR network, a citizen run organization with a worldwide network of nodes designed to detect UAP in the atmosphere with multiple scientific instruments.

Kevin then goes through his history and career in the United States Navy, as a radar operator. We then ask about the "Tic Tac UAP" and what happened off the Coast of Southern California in November of 2004. While you may think you have heard everything about this event already, you might learn some new and interesting facts just by listening to our interview.

Find out more information about this and other episodes at our website:

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