US Delegation of Lawmakers Meet Dalai Lama in India

1 month ago

06/19/2024 WION News: A US delegation of lawmakers led by U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul arrived in India and met the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. The head of the delegation said that President Joe Biden will soon sign a bill (Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act) that aims to press China to resolve the Tibet dispute.
#DalaiLama #Tibet #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Dharamsala #USdelegation
06/19/2024 印媒WION新闻:由美国众议院外交事务委员会主席迈克·麦考尔率领的一支美国国会议员代表团抵达印度,并会晤了西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛。代表团团长表示,总统乔·拜登将很快签署一项旨在迫使中共解决西藏争端的法案《促进解决西藏-中国争端法》。
#达赖喇嘛 #西藏 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #达兰萨拉 #美国代表团

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