love em even if they do things that you don't love

8 months ago

i actually wrote down some thoughts
i haven't written anywhere near as much as i used to
i got a buncha new furniture for my museum ie head
depressing chords for the world that we live in
i always feel so lucky to see any wild animals
i'm brilliant when i'm not trying
the man in my head tells me what to do so i don't need you
i don't like to be admired cos there's too much expectation
when i make music i can rhyme the way that i do in my own little world
this is the surreal world
the cubby holes were the best thing about public school
this is just nurture running its' course
of course there will be angles that i miss but i got a front row seat to myself
of course it reminds of a fiona apple song
once you become aware of the filter you can break it
if it was an actual fantasy it would be so much better
"more insanity from this woman" CORRECT
they ain't ever gonna watch anything i do all the way thru
if you wanna grow a lot as a person marginalization helps
the outcasts always have a clearer understanding of the world
whatever they had to offer is gone now cos they are being forced into the mainstream
there's no authenticity anymore due to everything being essentially televised
why would you take pride in anything sexual anyway, it's just senseless
i don't wanna argue w/ anyone over their experience
their criticism is completely outdated
what happens on the tv only happens on the tv
i'm the type of woman that david lynch would write films about
i can't focus on anything long enough to get shit done
why won't you come out n play, higher self
it ain't about the other kids on the playground amy n you know it
it wouldn't have meant as much to me if i had discovered this when i was younger
i am just amazed when i don't mess up
i have to remind myself to go to bed
left to my own devices i will be up to 6 or 7am
i'm not doing this to piss you off, i'm just doin it
plz don't take it personally that i'm different
tell em the truth n most will leave
these voices are fun for me
anything that can be creative, trust that part of yourself n you will be way cooler w/ all the stuff that they tell you to run away from
still not wearing my seatbelt right, CLASSIC ag "rule following"
i used to intentionally be bad just to see if i could succeed
they all sound the same after awhile
i will always have that nineties sound in my head since that's when i grew up
it might just be total shit, they will probably lemme know tho
i will still do it no matter what people think
don't make us come out there, awww tire discounters knows that comedy is dead
i used to be pretty low but now most of the time i'm pretty ecstatic
i caught the baby (vortex) before it fell off the roof (dashboard)
i can't see myself in the situation not even hypothetically
i tend to ruin shit so i don't need things that require a fuck ton of responsibility
don't beat yer kids if they're gay
so many people are into that pride shit cos their parents were too strict
women that hate their dads are a lot like homosexuals in today's world
no room for me in the lgbt
should i start identifying as a multiplication sign considering...
finally! a joke
this is my attempt at organization
God made us this way n God loves us this way

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