Jesse Watters: Democrats are currently in the five stages of grief.

2 months ago

As Victor Davis Hanson said, they’re going through “the proverbial cycles of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance." Democrats are going to tell you everything you see and everything you feel, isn’t true. Joe Biden just launched a “cheap fake” task force to coordinate with social media platforms and fight election “misinformation.”

Stage 2 is anger: often directed at their fellow Democrats, they become short-tempered and hostile. Next, they bargain. Realizing denying and yelling won’t get them anywhere, they cope by making trade-offs. Then comes depression, the most painful of the five stages. Be on the lookout for recriminations, loathing and foul language, as reality begins to sink in. And after all that, when you realize you can’t go back, that’s when you’ve reached the final stage- acceptance.


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