Capricorn Full Moon June 21 ’24 Astrology Message and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

7 months ago
180 This full moon at 1 degree of Capricorn is the first of two, with the second occurring on July 21 at 29 degrees. Pluto is Rx at 0 Aquarius now, and will also hit that 29th degree of Capricorn one final time in early September, station direct on Oct 12, and then on Nov. 20, will enter Aquarius again to stay for 20 years. The combination of these cycles signifies the “final nail in the coffin” of the old corporate structures. We are coming “home” to ourselves as the divine creator beings we have always been. We are finalizing work within our ancestral/generational line, signified by the Cancer-Capricorn axis, releasing those patterns that historically held us in lack, doubt, and insecurity about our divine essence. We are the vessels who carry Source Light energy, seeded with infinite potential, and our own unique patterns of perfection are unfolding. “We are the dreamer and the dreamed.” [From the Mayan Oracle included in this video].

The oracles and planetary frequencies are timestamped for your convenience. For best listening, pease use headset, smartphones, or speakers.

Astrology 5:07
1st Oracle - Dreamer and Dreamed: 28:26
2nd Oracle - Ten/Manifestation: 30:22
3rd Oracle - Realm Shift: 32:21
4th Oracle - Kan: 34:53
Planetary Frequencies: 37:25

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Planetary Frequencies Include:

Sun/Full Moon/Saturn (Cap FM):
Getting more comfortable with the idea of brand new structures in our world, especially in the “business-corporate” world, and what that might look like for us as role models within our communities.

Sun/Full Moon/Venus (conj./opp):
Getting more comfortable as the conscious creator who naturally attracts all that is required for our personal journey.

Sun/Full Moon/Neptune (t-square):
Allowing any and all confusion or disillusionment stemming from an addiction to people-please to simply be washed away gracefully in divine timing.

Sun/Venus/Merc (conj.):
Embracing the idea that we absolutely create with our thoughts and words; renewing our commitment to end negative talk and complaining, especially about our past, so that we can create the new dream right now.

Sun/Pluto (quincunx):
Letting go of who we thought we were so that we can be who we really are as divine seeds & souls of infinite potential.

Moon/Sedna (quincunx):
Embracing the idea that our humanness includes our feeling nature. Instead of clamping down on our feelings we need to celebrate our connection to each other without sacrificing who we are for the sake of “saving” someone.

Moon/Mars/Venus (sextile/trine):
Forming better bonds within relationships by being willing to express how we honestly feel.

Merc t-square the Nodes (Rulers Venus/Mars):
Conscious dreaming requires being conscious of our thoughts, words, conversations, and feelings. Our thoughts and words are the bricks; our feelings are the mortar.

Jup/Sedna/Pluto (trine):
Expanding awareness in the collective that our world will never be the same; by reaching for our highest potential we are serving Earth and all her life.

Saturn/Neptune/Uranus (conj./sextile):
Taking ownership of our personal dreams and spiritual freedom.

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