Comments 153-158: You White People Are Supposed To Be So Intelligent Now Look At You

12 days ago

Comment Number 153 is on the JIM FETZER channel on BitChute. Comment Number 154 is on the SANTA COOKING STUDIO channel. Comments Number 155 and Number 156 are Comments for YouTube’s staff and owners for censoring and removing Conservative channels on August 25, 2021 at 12:52 AM and at 3:05 PM after another post was censored and removed. Comment Number 157 on THE STILL REPORT on BitChute and Comment Number 158 is on the GAB Social Media Website. Millions of White people are still too brainwashed and are not fully awake or networking properly. By now everyone with a functioning brain cell knows who and what Mike Pence really is. FACTS: He knew Congress was and still is corrupt. Why are you White people constantly playing games with yourselves? Animals and plants are not elected officials. Governments are managed and controlled by people and not by plants or Whales in the oceans.

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