Is America On The Brink Of A Second Civil War?

3 months ago

Is America heading towards a second civil war. With the ever widening cultural and ideological divides. A presidential election of which neither side will respect the out come. A federal government that constantly is violating the constitutional rights of its citizens, Failing to secure it's borders, and using the legal system to go after it's rivals.
A federal government that is controlled by a few states that push their ideology on the rest of the country. The people in New York City, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles should not be telling the people in Des Moines, Topeka, Or Columbus how to live, what to eat, what to drive or how to protect themselves and their family.
A second civil war would not look anything like the last one. It would not be fought on the same lines or fought in the same way. A civil war in modern times would be fought like a guerilla war. It would not have lines of troops on a set battlefield. The federal government would try and institute martial Law but that would just make things worse, You can't secure a street corner with a F-15. Most likely they would not be able to count on the military. The same ideological divides would be in the military leaving some troops on each side. Some troops and part of the leadership would stay and support the federal government but not enough to make a difference. The government would not be able to force enough of the soldiers to fight in a civil war.
A civil war is going to be very messy and very painful for this country. A lot of people will die. A lot of areas will be destroyed. The economy will be trashed. The supply chain will be almost non-existent. There will be shortages of everything we take for granted.
A second civil war will be fought not on a state verse state level or a state verse federal level but on a ideological or cultural level. In some areas it will be down to neighbor verse neighbor.
As I said in a previous video America has 3 choices and really only 3.
Choice 1; The Status Quo. More of the same. A corrupt federal government that continually violates the rights of it's citizens. A select few states that control and push their ideological views on everyone else. A federal government who steals the hard earned money of the producers calling it taxes and gives that money to corrupt governments around the world and people in this country who are nothing more than a consumer, never producing anything of value. This will eventually lead to 1 of the other choices happening, Most likely civil war.
Choice 2; National Divorce, Although I don't think this would be completely peaceful it might be the only way to downsize the federal government, and put us back on the right track. With a National Divorce we would keep the federal government but all of the power would go back to the people and the states. The people of each state would decide how they would live. If you don't live in the state you have no right to tell the people who how to live.
Choice 3; Civil War, this is the most extreme of the 3 choices but this is the path we are on. If we make this choice either by actively choosing war or by passively doing nothing the country will be forever changed. We are headed for war. Some people say we are already in a second civil war.
Choose wisely America. The future we leave our children depends on what you do or don't do at this point.

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