The Master Teacher and Eyes of Beauty Energy Vlog

13 days ago

The Master Teacher and Eyes of Beauty Energy Vlog Title is from the date June 19, 2024 thus 33 The Master Number for the Master Teacher like Yeshua, this adds to #6 The Lovers card a loving relationship and love is what Yeshua taught. The Eyes of Beauty is a card from The Wisdom of the hidden realms Oracle deck, positive Expectations, Clarity of sight.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us four amplitudes, The first was a power from yesterday of 25 at 9:00 PM UTC thus the Jermit come down from the mountain of enlightenment to impart his wisdom to the Emperor. The first amplitude power of today a power of 27 @ 9:45 AM UTC thus the Scorpio moon shines down upon the Hermit as he waits for the chariot. The second amplitude power of 28 @ 11:00 AM UTC thus Justice in a fair and balanced way to kick the Wheel of Fortune into action to deliver it Karmic change. The Third amplitude a power of 43 @ 2:00 PM UTC thus the High Priestess takes the Chariot to the Emperor to conjur up na stom against his enemy. The Quality a power of 9 The Hermit card who retrats to the MT. of enlightenment to go within to find inner wisdom. The Frequency average is 7.65 hertz thus # 18 The Moon card which will ingress into Sagittarius a passionate sign of fire and truth.

The Space Weather news site showed class M CME with little mass going off at a ninety degree angle going away form us. The Solar wind density is at 2 protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed at 525 (KPS), the Hanged man. The solar wind temperature at 250,000 Kelvin, the chariot. The KP Index is in the green Zone with three level threes throughout the day, The Empress is demanding attention.

Fox news showed us a senator interviewing w one of Biden woke Judges grilling her on a transgender rapist that gets out of the male prison to be put in a female prison because he identifies as a women which he is plainly not.

Our last share is The Daily Astro show with Meg Moonbean as she goes of the transits for today and tomorrow the Solstice.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News site:
Fox news Bidens woke judges grilled:
Daily Astro Show with Meg Moonbeam:

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