FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor Testifies About The Absurd Legal Theory Bragg Used To Prosecute Trump

1 month ago

Posted • June 19, 2024: Trainor, a Commissioner at the Federal Elections Commission, sharply criticizes Bragg's abuses at the beginning of this clip, but the key part starts around the (1:57) mark. Bragg's insane overreach is one thing; the Biden DOJ doing absolutely nothing to defend their own jurisdiction is quite another. This is the closest thing we have to evidence of the Biden administration's fingerprints on the New York case. The Biden DOJ did not intervene to force Bragg to back off his illegitimate usurpation of federal election law enforcement (this goes to the infamous 'second crime' that was neither adjudicated nor proven in court, yet was necessary to turn lapsed alleged misdemeanors into 'felonies'). Their silence aided Bragg's scheme in a major way. Trainor reminds the committee that the DOJ and FEC had each investigated these exact same facts and determined no crimes or violations were committed. Bragg "knew better." (…)

• More at: Townhall - Is Biden Responsible for Alvin Bragg's Prosecution of Donald Trump?
Rumble: Is Biden Responsible For Alvin Bragg's Prosecution Of Donald Trump?

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