Billy Joel Responds to Justin Timberlake’s Sag Harbor DWI Arrest

2 days ago

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested and charged with DWI early Tuesday morning and spent a few hours in a Sag Harbor, New York jail. When asked for his reaction, Long Islander Billy Joel urged people to not judge his fellow pop star.

Timberlake, who was released from custody and will have a virtual court date on July 26, was caught by local police blowing through a stop sign and veering out of his lane. When he was stopped, Timberlake refused a chemical test and failed standard field sobriety tests. He told police: “I had one martini and I followed my friends home.”

Reporters hung around the Hamptons the following day and caught up with Long Island music icon Billy Joel to ask him for his response since he has some of his own experience with allegedly alcohol-related car incidents. His message to those passing judgment on Timberlake? “Judge not lest ye be judged.”

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