Cast Of 'Queer Eye' Received At White House By Kamala Harris

2 days ago

Posted • June 19, 2024: Our own Amy Curtis just did a post on who gets invited to the White House and who doesn't. Not the family members of the 13 service members killed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. No, some dude with a full beard and mustache and wearing a white gown was being greeted at the White House by Vice President Kamala Harris and the second gentleman, Douglas Emhoff. It turns out it wasn't just anybody — it was Jonathan Van Ness from "Queer Eye," the Netflix show where gay men unite to help a poor straight man with bad fashion sense and grooming. And yes, if you go to the "Queer Eye" Wikipedia page, you'll see that Van Ness' specialty is grooming. Not a joke, as Joe Biden would say.

So there's more to the video, and the White House put it together pretty quickly: -- Vice President Kamala Harris @VP: “The cast of Queer Eye joined me at the White House to discuss the hard-fought progress the LGBTQI+ community has made in the past 20 years. Thank you for a meaningful conversation, for giving my office your stamp of approval, and for being fabulous.” -- So, the royal treatment. But wait, there's more. Van Ness also got to speak from the podium in the White House briefing room. -- You know they'd have to do something special for Pride Month. So the "Queer Eye" cast and trans social media influencers who flash their boobs on the lawn get invited to the White House. (Although the boob flashed has reportedly not been asked back this year.) What happened to America? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Cast of ‘Queer Eye’ Received at White House by Kamala Harris
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