Beluga Whale Really Wants Little Kid's Cookie

5 years ago

You may have seen any number of videos of Beluga whales “screaming” at little kids through the glass at an aquarium or marine park. These kinds of video tend to go viral every few months. What makes this particular one different is that it appears the Beluga isn’t screaming at the kid because they are there because he really wants that cookie. Personally, I would advise the whale to stay away from that cookie. It looks to be an oatmeal raisin cookie, and I mean, ugh, there are so many better cookies in the world!

Anyway, Beluga whales are fascinating, even for whales, which are already amazing creatures. Did you know that Beluga calves are actually not born white. They are actually born with grey skin, or brown but mostly grey, and actually look kind of like manatees when they are babies. As far as whales are concerned, Belugas are on the smaller side ranging from 13 to 20 feet in length. They also don’t have a dorsal fin, unlike most whales.

Like many whales, Belugas are very communicative and employ a lot of clicks, whistles and clangs. They are also capable of mimicking a bunch of different sounds. For the most part, Beluga whales living in the Arctic Ocean. Strangely, Beluga whales are not related to the Beluga sturgeon fish, farmed for caviar, but they are related to the unicorn of the sea, the narwhal. Did you know that the Beluga “scream” is actually a form of aggression? It usually is their way of telling other whales or people to leave them alone. Kind of like an angry teenager yelling at their parents.

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