Features Of GotBackUp #gotbackup, #gotbackupwebinar, #networkmarketing, #makemoneyonline

12 days ago

https://incomeathomebiz.gotbackuptour.com/ - Features Of GotBackup!

Features Of GotBackUp

GotBackUp comes with several features that make it a great choice for protecting your data:

Sync Multiple Computers: You can sync files across multiple computers. This means you can access the same files from any device.

Unlimited Devices: GotBackUp offers 6 TB (6000 GB) of storage for unlimited devices.

No File Type Restrictions: You can back up any type of file, including music, videos, documents, and executables.

Media Streaming: You can stream music and movies directly from your backup to any web browser or mobile device.

Multiple Data Centers: Your data is stored in multiple data centers, ensuring it is always safe and accessible.

File Versioning: GotBackUp keeps up to 30 versions of any file, allowing you to recover previous versions if needed.

Restore Deleted Files: If you delete a file by accident, GotBackUp keeps it for 30 days, so you can restore it.

24/7 Customer Support: GotBackUp offers round the clock customer support via live chat and helpdesk tickets.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied, you can get your money back within 30 days.

Get Started With GotBackup By Visiting This Link https://incomeathomebiz.gotbackuptour.com/

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