The Silent Scream (1979) | HORROR/SLASHER | FULL MOVIE

3 days ago

In California, when the freshman Scotty Parker arrives late at the university, she learns that there is no vacancy in the dormitory and fraternities. However, the clerk provides a list of unofficial boarding houses for her to look for a spot. She finds a room at the isolated seaside mansion of Mrs. Engels. Her weird son Mason Engels explains that they are renting four rooms to college students since they need money. Scotty meets the other three students, Jack Town, the wealthy Peter Ransom and Doris Prichart, and they decide to have dinner together in a nearby seaside restaurant sponsored by Peter. Scotty and Jack have a crush on each other and return together, leaving Doris and Peter behind. While walking on the beach, the silly Peter is drunken and irritates Doris that leaves him sleeping on the beach. When he wakes up, he is stabbed to death by someone. Lt. Sandy McGiver and Sgt. Manny Ruggin investigate the case and interview the students and Mason. They suspect of the Engels family and proceed the investigation in the office. Soon they learn that Victoria Engels had stabbed a couple fifteen years ago and spent three years in a mental institution and becomes prime suspect.


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