Blindspot 115 Ukraine = Europe’s Afghanistan? NATO shoots Russia: Nukewar warnings -US DEBTBOMB

8 months ago

Blindspot 115 = Ukraine = Europe’s Afghanistan? NATO shoots at Russia: Nuke war warnings while the US grows a mega DEBT BOMB.

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Jake Sullivan - why we say NATO shoots at Russia - listen to this as we start…

Now that South Africa has made it through to the re-installment of Mr Buffalo in the government’s driver seat, it is not yet time to heave a sigh of relief. The next instalment of drama awaits in the next 24 to who knows how many hours, for the GNU cabinet to be announced.

I - Alien representative confusion at White House LGBTQ invasion (while Putin visits North Korea)
II - US quietly lifts sanctions on the Ukraine NAZI AZOV brigade
III - Busy times for the Russian naval forces - Cuba & Egypt
IV - While on the seas - Houthis launch first Unmanned Surface vehicle in successful strike
V - Israel aiming to strike Lebanon next? IDF Generals approve battle plans
VI - US building a mega Debt Bomb - John Stossel

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