The Tony Blair Club: Reimagining Defence and Security - UK Column News

1 month ago

The Tony Blair Club: Reimagining Defence and Security
Full news and all the source links:
- Support Independent Journalism from the UK Column with only £5 a month
- Access UKC News Extra—UK Column Community
- UK Column interview: Blocked by the MHRA, reported to the Health Security Agency—A day in the life of vaccine-injured Adam Rowland
- UK Column interview: Political Prisoner Denied Access to his Children—with Laura Towler
- Date For Your Diary: Saturday, 19th October 2024 (Bristol)
- Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: Reimagining Defence and Security: New Capabilities for New Challenges
- Daniel Sleat (LinkedIn): Senior Policy Advisor at Tony Blair Institute for Global Change 
- Internet Archive:  The New Machiavelli: How To Wield Power in the Modern World by Jonathan Powell (2010)
- Chatham House (2005): Commission for Africa: Into Africa
- Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Commission for Africa
- Tony Blair Institute for Global Change: General Sir Nick Carter and Sir Patrick Vallance Join the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
- GOV.UK: Advice letter: Nick Carter, Member of the Advisory Council, Helsing Gmbh 
- Helsing: Artificial Intelligence to serve our democracies

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