Episode 113 - The Rockefeller Monopoly: From BIG OIL to BIG PHARMA

12 days ago

For more content from Barry Jones, go to sphistory.com. In the 1890s, in an effort to create the impression that oil was scarce (allowing Standard Oil to price it high), John D. Rockefeller sent his bought-and-paid-for scientists to the Geneva Convention where the world's scientists were busy categorizing the world's commodities, deciding which were organic (from living organisms) and which were not. Rockefeller's agenda was to push for oil to be categorized as organic, thus depletable. It worked. Though fossils don't exist below 16,000 feet and oil is routinely drilled at 30,000 feet, oil was categorized as a "fossil fuel". With the high demand of the 20th century coupled with a low supply, Rockefeller could charge whatever he wanted for his oil - over which he controlled 90% of the US market. It wasn't long before scientists were creating petrochemicals from oil to be used in the manufacture of synthetic drugs. Rockefeller had already monopolized the oil industry. His new goal was to monopolize petrochemicals and by default, control the synthetic medicines made from the petrochemicals. Like the oil story, Rockefeller employed the same tactics, buying scientists, driving out, buying up, and/or smearing the competition, using the media to push his agenda, and donating money to the remaining medical schools and hospitals to push his man-made drugs. Any question why the Rockefeller Foundation is so involved today in 21st-century climate change and vaccines? Might the answer be as simple as protecting its 20th-century investments in a "fossil fuel" (oil) and synthetic medicines and pharmaceuticals (petrochemicals)?

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