8 months ago

Here is a song and an instrumental that I composed and produced for the Essiac Circle of Friends (essiac-tea.org):

"Ode to Rene Caisse" and "Essiac Serenade".

Essiac tea is a foundational herbal tea that covers more health issues than any other single tea. That may sound like a pretty dramatic statement but I have been drinking Essiac tea for the past 22 years and I believe that it saved my life.

Essiac is most known for preventing and treating cancer and was created by Canadian nurse Rene M. Caisse who was given a native American herbal formula for cancer in the early 1920s. She took the 8-herb formula and reduced to it to a 4-herb formula using scientific/clinical methods by testing it on laboratory mice and terminal cancer patients in her Bracebridge, Ontario cancer clinic.

The song and instrumental feature both cedar and silver flutes, cello, violin, bassoon, oboe, bells, chimes and 12-string guitar.

There is a lot of disinformation about Essiac tea on the internet so the best source for information on Essiac tea that has been thoroughly researched and documented is at https://www.healthfreedom.info/essiac_info.htm

The highest quality herbs for making Essiac tea are available from the Essiac Circle of Friends at https://essiac-tea.org/

Farmers in the US no longer grow sheep sorrel which is the most important herb in Essiac tea. All the herb companies are getting it from Bulgaria and Croatia now and the quality of it is horrible. It is basically dead plant material that is not even green. The Essiac Circle of Friends grow their own sheep sorrel and other Essiac herbs in North Idaho and the quality is exceptional.

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