The UK Special Air Service (SAS) - 1984

12 days ago

This de-classified film produced by the UK Ministry of Defence provides a general introduction to SAS recruitment, training and operations. Operations in Urban, Arctic, Desert, Mountain and Jungle environments are shown.

Missions of the regiment that are depicted include:
Direct action using parachute, boat, helicopter and SCUBA; and
VIP/Head of State protection, counter-insurgency (hearts/minds) operations

Also shown is the 1980 anti-terrorism action executed by 22 SAS to end a violent situation at the Iranian Embassy in London. The embassy had been taken over by six members of the Democratic Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Arabistan (DRFLA).

Opening Montage Music: By Lesfm via Pixabay: "Crazy Energy":

Video publisher: The Imperial War Museums
Producer: Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) for the UK Ministry of Defence
Army Department Film C 1576
Year Produced: 1984

More info about the Imperial War Museums:
More info about SSVC:
More info about the SAS:
More info about the Iranian Embassy Siege:

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