LISTEN CAREFULLY: The Dystopian Nightmare in Store for Us & Our Children (3.14.23)

12 days ago

(Please Listen To This Very, Very Carefully) Extract Glastonbury Town Council Meeting, 14 March 2023

This is the truth about Agenda 2030 - the dystopian nightmare we all have in store for us, and our children, and our children's children.... unless we fight, fight, fight!

This needs fighting everywhere. Check out what's happening in Thetford. They're on it already & are holding the local councilors' feet to the fire. Norfolk CC, Breckland council, and Norwich City council are all on board with this. We cannot lose this fight. No to Digital ID. No to CBDC. No to Agenda 30. No to a technocratic, dystopian future.

Please start by spreading this news!

Before I go, just to clarify: C40 cities, 15-minute cities, Neighbourhood Plans 2016-2030, are all the same thing.

It is a global initiative born out of Agendas 21 and 30. Cities/Towns will be zoned off with NO cars and with people who will not be able to venture outside of their zone. 5G will be used for monitoring (thus the chopping down of trees to allow it to work) and the Internet of Things means people will not only be spied on outside but also in their homes. Facial recognition and tracking people with their smartphones is the plan with people using a central digital currency linked directly to their mobiles (they can just switch you off at will). Net Zero is the excuse, but it really means Zero population, people were primed by getting used to the covid lockdowns and the Gov is trying to bring in digital ID right now. See if your council has signed into the Neighborhood Plan, it all sounds so cozy, but it's not. LSB Productions on YT have covered Council meetings exposing this.'


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