20240611致美國人民的信息A Message to the American People來源: #InfoWars #GregReese

6 months ago



A Message to the American People

來源: #InfoWars #GregReese https://t.me/gregreesevideoreports/497

The United States is a Freemasonry country. The editor believes that the United States is being disintegrated by Freemasonry. If the United States falls, it will be easier for other countries to solve the problem. Although a few people wake up to defend the country, the destructive force now prevails. The editor believes that the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion summarizes what is happening in the United States👇

美國是共濟會國家,小編認為美國正在被共濟會瓦解,如國美國倒下了,其他國家就易解決了。雖然有少數人覺醒起來保衛國家,但現時破壞力佔上風。小編認為 錫安長老會紀要 總結了正在美國發生的事👇

20231115 錫安長老會紀要 1897 Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion 1897 (中文翻譯本)

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