Cop, Firefighter, & Marine... Travis Howze devoted his life and paid the price

12 days ago

Travis Howze shares his incredibly unique story on The Wounded Blue Hour with show host Randy Sutton. Travis recounts his journey from a young man enamored by volunteer firefighters and beginning a life of service at a very young age to serving as a combat marine, firefighter, and police officer.

His journey was not an easy one, and the traumas of that life of service took a terrible toll. But even trauma can create light, and in this revealing interview with Randy Sutton, you will hear the unvarnished truth from a true American hero. “Create Your Own Light” is a best-selling book authored by Travis Howze.

Lt. Randy Sutton can be heard every Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm ET on The Wounded Blue Hour on iHeart Radio on the America Out Loud Talk Radio Network.

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