Dr. Rima Laibow – UN to Launch “Pact for the Future” – A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT NIGHTMARE

8 months ago

Dr. Laibow: “We all know there was no pandemic, the excess deaths came from the ‘treatment’”

The UN Pact for the Future is a plan to destroy governance, sovereignty, autonomy, sustainability, and the human spirit.

They really want to destroy the human soul.

The United Nations “Pact for the Future” is really about creating a slave class that NEVER will be able to rebel.

The United Nations is NOT elected by the people, so they have no f*cking business in the USA and we need to show their asses the door. They may say they have come to help us and provide us with some kind of solution for whatever problem that they are behind in the first place.

Why allow a foreign, unelected organization to run our Country? It’s an absolute no brainer. This is real sh*t, these are their true plans.

The day we become dependent on a Foreign Organization that is not elected by we the people is the day we voluntarily give up everything we have.

Dr. Rima Laibow:

“We all know there was no pandemic, the excess deaths came from the ‘treatment’”

“We are dealing with people who are so demented”

“They get crazier and crazier and crazier together & they reinforce each other”

“These psychopaths have convinced themselves that they have the right to get away with anything”

The UN Pact for Future and the 17 Sustainability Goals = Agenda 30.

But if you read this pact – (see source #2 below in sources) they make it seem like it is truly best for humanity and I know idiot politicians in my own small state of NE who have referenced this, which is just unreal to me as I cannot understand how we have such dumb and/or corrupt people in leadership & representative positions.

They have to convince us that they are smarter than us, they have our best interests in mind, that we need them and we are in constant dangers of incomprehensible destruction unless they step in and intervene and provide us with their “healthy” solutions.

They want to us to perceive them as our Saviors.

Once again, if you look at the pact, it is disguised well, but the truth is that they want to entrap us and enslave us and that is for the “survivors” that are not killed in their Nazi mRNA “medical experiments.”

It’s all lies.

Transhumanism = Biodigital Convergence – it is the removal of rights because humans will no longer be labeled as humans and therefore, there will be no human rights. This is from the DNA Modification they are doing with medicine and likely foods.

Their plans are for more infectious disease pandemics, where the next one is more dangerous than the previous.

They will have economic disasters which will be planned, which will allow them to steal investments from 401K’s and to buy land an property for pennies on the dollar.

They are in the process right now this very moment in shutting down agriculture globally.

No Agriculture = No Food

No Food = Famine

Of Course, they will have THEIR Solution for this also.

For the Food, Pandemic and Economic Crisis, they will have a packaged solution of Digital Currency, Digital ID’s and Digital Wallets and may even offer what will seem to be a lot of currency to spend for accepting their offer. If you accept their offer you are consenting to their terms of the contract which is designed to take everything you have in the long run, but in the short term it may seem like it is favorable to you and your family.

This may even include incentives for purchasing their medicines which we all will be mandated to take to protect each other so the infections don’t spread.

They have a “Replacement Migration Agenda.” They will fund people to enter our country just for the purpose of destroying it but of course they will act like they are the ones that will stop this.

Bullsh*t and it’s already too damn late, the damage is done and our Homeland Security head should be tried for treason.

The craziest idea they have is to have AI make ALL of our decisions. They have lost their minds. They truly are psychopaths.

Remember the 2009 Swine Flu Fear Pandemic Propaganda? – the highest number of people that globally died was 11, according to the WHO.

FEAR is their tool to control humanity. When we are in fear and want to get back to “normal” and they offer that solution, we make horrible decisions in hope they are telling us the truth.

It’s a trick.

The United Nations is not a Country. Human Rights for American Citizens do not exist in their book.

The want to make us an Object inside the Metaverse. They want 15 minute cities in which there will be lockdown after lockdown, fake pandemics, limited travel, mandated healthy jabs, and we will be filled with biosensers and neural networks which will allow them to control us with their laptop computers.

How do they want to inch their way to achieving these Agenda Goals?

Just like the WHO, the FDA, the CDC & the NIH did through declaring National Emergencies.

Everything will be upped to Global Emergencies from now on and the WHO is part of their plan to control the “health” aspects.

They label them “Global Shocks” like:

1. Large scale climatic or environmental events that cause major Socioeconomic disruptions and/or environmental degradation.

2. Future Pandemics with cascading secondary impacts

3. High Impact Events involving a Biological Agent (Deliberate or Accident)

4. Events leading to Disruptions of Global Goods, People or Finance.

5. Large Scale Destructive and/or Disruptive activity in Cyberspace or Disruptions to Global Digital Connectivity. (You will have to get the United Nations Digital ID in order to get back on the Internet.)

6. A Major Event in Outer Space that causes severe disruptions to one or several critical systems on Earth. (EMF, Solar Flares, Fake Alien, etc – this is scary to think what they may be planning, an attack on our Electrical Grid?)

7. Unforeseen Risks (Black Swan Events)

They are telling you what is going to happen in the future here.

They are flat out telling us the problems that they are going to create / cause and of course the main dish will be their responses or the solutions they will offer.

They already have these solutions right NOW and but first they have to create emergencies or what they label as “Global Shocks” so that our sellout politicians will vote for their help, their aid, their solutions and sell it us, the people like it is truly for the best of mankind.

This IS establishing the United Nations as the New World Government.

It is right there. It is very clear.

Who do we need to be vigilant of? The Philanthropists.

The Rockefeller’s, Bill Gates, The Carnegie’s, Cornelius Vanderbilt, George Soros, Warren Buffet – these people will stop at nothing to destroy whatever is in their way.

These so called Philanthropists should NEVER be trusted. Their philanthropy plan is enslavement and DNA modification. They have NOTHING to do with good.

Bill Gates’ “Good Club” and the “United” Nations is not for us. It is good for them and united for them, NOT for us.


1. mariazeee -- https://rumble.com/v51pje7-dr.-rima-laibow-un-to-launch-pact-for-the-future-one-world-government-night.html

2. UN Pact for the Future -- https://www.un.org/pga/wp-content/uploads/sites/108/2024/01/SOTF-Co-Facilitators-Zero-Draft_Pact-for-the-Future-circulation.pdf

3. Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- https://info.elumisfoundation.org/what-are-basic-human-rights/

4. https://preventgenocide2030.org


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Thank You!!

END. 6/27/2024 – 6:00 PM

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