Simple Pie With Minced Chicken and Potatoes | Easy Dinner Recipe

1 day ago


For dough:
eggs - 2
butter - 50 g
salt - ½ tsp
sugar - ⅓ tsp
flour - +/- 400 g
baking powder - 10 g
milk - 200 ml
1 egg to brush the raw pie
butter - 20 g to brush the baked pie

For filling:
minced chicken - 400 g
potatoes - 3 medium
onion - 1
garlic - 2 cloves
salt/pepper/other spices - to taste

In a bowl prepare the filling:
Combine minced chicken, chopped onion, minced garlic, salt, pepper and your favorite spices. Mix well
Add potatoes cut in cubes and mix well
In another bowl combine eggs, butter, salt, sugar and milk. Mix well
Add sifted flour and baking powder
Make soft dough
Cover it and set aside for 30 minutes
Divide the dough into two parts - ⅔ and ⅓
Roll out the greater part of the dough and place it on the pan
Spread the filling
Roll out the smaller part of the dough and place it on the filling
Join the edges of two pieces of dough and make the hole in the middle
Brush the pie with egg
Bake at 180°C for about 50-60 minutes (depending on your oven)
Butter the baked pie before serving.

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