Japanese anime songs "A Letter From Isaiah Will of Isaiah" featured songs "Let Your Friends Win"

8 months ago

Now Streaming #ALetterFromIsaiah Will_of_Isaiah
on https://www.marthfilm.com/
Official https://letterfromisaiah.com/

"This story is based on the legend of Isaiah nagid.
It was born with the most vigorous access to Nagit's beautiful and sincere heart ...
It is said to be given to the beloved descendants 2600 years later…."

"A Letter from Isaiah-Will of Isaiah."
To avoid conflict, to protect their love, they headed for the promised land, a land of harmony, with love and sorrow…

Healing Animation
"A Letter from Isaiah-Will of Isaiah."
Now Streaming https://www.marthfilm.com/

MARTH Profile

I don't belong to anything within.
I am nothing, I am nobody.
Neither do I belong to any country nor any group, any religion,
any political group,
any psychological, and any philosophical society.
I will belong nowhere forever.
Neither born, therefore, nor die
as a part of the universe.
If I dare to say who I am,
I am nothing but an eternal public servant of the universe...
And everyone is a manifestation of the love of all things...

#animesongs #JapanAnime #HealingVocal

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