Military Cancer ClassWarFilms

7 months ago

Do you understand what a cancer is? A voracious, wildly self-replicating rogue cell mass that feeds on and devours its host. If not identified, attacked, and eliminated, it will consume that body and destroy it. The U.S. military, with its vast complex web of branches, agencies, and bureaucracies, is in socio-political terms a metastasized cancer run rampant in the American body politic. And we Americans are dying of it. Not surprising. The core purpose of armies is to kill people. Every country that has ever had one claimed it was for defense, but all history proves their function has never varied. To kill people and appropriate their wealth. The American military isn't killing us directly. It has an endless supply of other peoples to kill that way. It's killing us as all cancers kill, by eating the living tissue of our nation, in its insatiable drive to perpetuate itself. An official army was created before our country was. After independence, it made major territorial thefts, slaughtering Indians and other nations' forces before splitting into factions that drowned each other in blood in civil war. That horror appalled the national psyche, but soon the reunited American military launched an imperial suspension that put Cuba in the Philippines from Spain, and made it overlord of Latin America and the Caribbean. Experience showed there was no need to colonize nations to control them. Far more efficient than invade, crush resistance, install puppets, and subject them to unlimited economic exploitation. Usually token violence sufficed. The titanic push by the enormous American economic engine to win World War II resulted in the United States military becoming the most well-armed, technologically advanced war-making machine the world had ever known. War General and President Eisenhower warned that the existing military-industrial-congressional complex might co-opt democratic government, subvert the rights of the people, and destroy all that made America great. He spoke truth too late. The process, under him, was already far advanced. A nation becomes an empire by choice. Once commitment is made to take the quantum leap from being part of the world community to becoming a power that dominates others by raw force, there is no turning back until finally, inevitably, the empire overextends itself and suffers dissolution or destruction. Many nations have taken that road. Athens, Rome, Spain, France, England, Germany, Japan. 20th century America took it. Before World War II, our military was a tool of state, used to police weak nations for political ends. After it, sole atomic power with the Soviet Union its only rival. It became a full partner with predatory capitalism, which by then owned the state. The shift was permanent and radical. Government no longer controlled capital. Capital controlled government. The corporate tyranny ruled, and the military, itself big business, ruled with it. The merging of business and military forces in a war machine is not new. It was the basis of Mussolini's fascism and Hitler's Nazi Reich. Trumpeter said of that deadly synthesis nearly a century ago, quote, created by the wars that required it. The machine now created the wars it required. By the end of the 20th century, the American military had made the greatest expansion of armed power and world control in history. In undeclared wars in Korea and Vietnam, in dozens of police actions, and with vast webs of security alliances and defensive partnerships, it insinuated its power into scores of nations around the world. The military and the corporate tyranny worked symbiotically, the military feeding off predatory capitalism, while brutally enabling its worldwide rampage of financial and resource crime. With thousands of unilateral military actions initiated to date, the number and scale of America's violent interferences in sovereign nations has never been remotely approached by any empire in the history of the world. Your tax dollars fund a thousand military installations in 150 countries, many the size of cities, supporting a third of a million troops. There are 260 bases in Germany, 124 in Japan, and 87 in South Korea. No reliable information exists on the number in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nor do we know how many black site foreign torture facilities, mini-guantanamos you pay for. We do know, though, that the military operates 234 golf courses on your tax dollar. Thousands more army, air, marine, and naval bases, facilities, and hospitals support nearly two million troops in every state of the Union, each of them sprenuously lobbied for by the political whores who claim to represent you. The annual military budget is over a trillion dollars when lying, subterfuge, and deception are stripped away. That is over half the discretionary budget and exceeds the amount spent for Social Security or for Medicare. It is ten times what is spent for education, 25 times that for science and technology, 30 times that for energy. It is greater than the combined budgets of all the other 196 countries in the world, and seven times that of second-ranked China. Major General Smedley Butler, a top-echelon career marine who won two Congressional Medals of Honor, learned the hard way the reality of military mythology, and said in his book War is a Racket, quote, I spent 33 years in active military service, and during that period, I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism, end quote. The military cancer is a gigantic con, a horrific shell-game deception that has done nothing for the American people but rob us of the resources that should be used to create a sound and healthy society, while making us hated and despised around the world as vicious, greed-driven murderers. It does not defend us from anything. There is nothing we need to be defended from. That lie that we are threatened, endangered, at risk from some imaginary boogeyman is what blinds us to the diabolical evil that is destroying us. Only radical therapy can kill cancer. America's vitals are being consumed by the fatal malignancy of militarism. We must beat it now, or as a nation, we are terminal. If our will to live is strong enough, we can destroy it and thrive. If not, all that will remain of the grand American experiment to elevate the quality of the life of mankind will be the odious monstrosity that devoured it and a vast concentration camp of psychologically lobotomized zombies. I tried hard to be proud of my service, but all I could feel was shame. Racism could no longer mask the reality of the occupation. These were people, these were human beings. I feel guilt any time I see a mother with her children, like the one who cried hysterically and screamed that we were worse than Saddam as we forced her from her home. I feel guilt any time I see a young girl, like the one I grab by the arm and drag into the street. We were told we were fighting terrorists. The real terrorist was me, and the real terrorism is this occupation.

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