Greg Gutfeld Puts Biden/Media Collusion On 'Cheap Fakes' Scandal In Perspective As Only He Can

11 days ago

Posted • June 19, 2024: Fox’s Greg Gutfeld calls out liberal media over claims from White House that Biden videos are ‘cheap fakes’: "Where were these anti-hoaxers in the ‘fine people hoax’, the ‘drinking bleach hoax’, the ‘koi pond hoax’, the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax’, the ‘border patrol migrants whipping migrants hoax’, the ‘lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax’, the ‘Russian collusion hoax’…?”

RedState: Greg Gutfeld Puts Biden/Media Collusion on 'Cheap Fakes' Scandal in Perspective As Only He Can
Twitchy: Greg Gutfeld Rattles Off a List of 'Cheap Fakes' the Media Either Ignored or Helped Push

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