Scott Ritter REVEAL: NATO uses 100 U.S Nuclear Bombs to Attack Russia. West Panicked Putin's Actions

1 month ago

Scott Ritter REVEAL: NATO uses 100 U.S Nuclear Bombs to Attack Russia. West Panicked Putin's Actions
Scott Ritter REVEAL: NATO uses 100 U.S Nuclear Bombs to Attack Russia. West panicked Putin's actions
This compelling documentary explores the heightened nuclear risk resulting from escalating tensions between Russia and the West. As the geopolitical landscape becomes increasingly volatile, the presence of NATO's 100 US nuclear bombs in Europe has become a focal point for global anxiety. The video examines the implications of this nuclear arsenal and how Putin’s aggressive policies are seen as ramping up the potential for a catastrophic conflict. Through expert interviews and on-the-ground reporting, we analyze the current state of international relations, the psychology behind nuclear deterrence, and the possible paths forward to de-escalation. The documentary aims to provide viewers with a clear understanding of the stakes involved and the urgent need for effective diplomacy to avert a potential nuclear disaster.

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