CRIMINAL TREASON! Feds Building Massive Detention Facilities IN ALL 50 STATES

4 months ago

Feds Building Massive Detention Facilities IN ALL 50 STATES to Imprison Political Dissidents, Documentary Claims

June 18th 2024 - by Adan Salazar

'It's not for these illegals...They're going to need somewhere to process the dissidents,' says whistleblower.

The US federal government is in the process of building a massive network of internment camps spanning all 50 states intended not to house illegal aliens, but political dissidents, a shocking documentary claims.

Speaking to Redacted’s Clayton Morris, former Customs and Border Protection agent J.J. Carrell revealed a whistleblower in his upcoming documentary, “Treason,” exposes the scheme to build massive facilities that can house tens of thousands of people in every state.

SHOCKING: America is covertly constructing large-scale detention facilities across all 50 states, but they’re not for housing illegal #immigrants. The purpose is far more sinister. Former Customs and Border Protection supervisor @JJCarrell14 reveals the truth.
~ Redacted (@TheRedactedInc) June 17, 2024

“It’s not for these illegals,” says former federal contractor Kristi Hutcherson in an excerpt from the documentary.

“I believe it’s…kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews, concentration camps, processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process the dissidents,” she says.

The 24-year CBP veteran went on to tell Morris that Hutcherson has access to federal databases where bids are placed for a variety of contracts.

“But… she says to me there’s bids for detention facilities being built in all 50 states in America,” he said.

Carrell notes despite hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the US, he’s been informed by sources that the facilities, many of which are on the southern border, contain as many as 40,000 empty beds.

According to Carrell, Hutcherson explains in the interview the facilities are for dissidents who disobey the federal government, which may include people who refuse to take mandated jabs, defiant MAGA supporters, or members of militias.

Asked what the facilities look like, Carrell described, “I think they’re going to look like just the facilities that we’re seeing where the children are being held in, those FEMA camps.”

“That’s what they’re building. They’re building FEMA camps,” Carrell said, describing soft-sided large white tents surrounded by barbed-wire like those seen in New York City to house the migrant influx.

According to the filmmaker, the extreme oppression seen during the Covid pandemic and lockdowns proves the federal government could very well move to imprison noncompliant citizens.

“So you’re telling me this government, the government that’s been lying to you for decades is now all going to be Kumbaya and they found God and they’re going to do the righteous things? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?” Carrell asked.

“They locked you in your houses for months on some BS COVID stuff, right? COVID was real, but they locked you in your houses. What happens when we rise up and go, ‘I’m not staying in my houses.’ Oh, you’re not? National Guard, martial law, round them up.”

Carrell’s warnings come as the Biden administration has already been weaponizing the judicial system to go after its political enemies, imprisoning key members of Donald Trump’s presidential administration as well as prosecuting the former president.

“Treason” is set to be released on Oct. 10, 2024.

Watch the main trailer fot “Treason” and you can pre-order below:

The Discussion: WHAT IS TREASON? www.GiveSendGo.Com/SavingAmerica

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