U.S. Congress Hush Money

12 days ago

Trumps Kangaroo Court Fiasco Over Bull Shit Charges Just Like The Bogus Reasons For Impeaching Him That Were Not Legit Reasons For Impeachment In The First Place. Same Thing With Alex Jones Bullshit Case For Something That Is Not A Crime And Not Truthful. Plus Being Against His God Given Constitutionally Protected Rights. In A Real Trial They Would Have Had To Prove What Alex Claimed Was Not True. Instead You Seen Another Kangaroo Court.
And The Thing IS. All Your Courts Are This Way. Just Like Your Government, They Are Not What & Who You Think They Are. Just Like Double Down Judge That Got Busted Shady. But See The Ordinary Person Who Gets Railroaded You Don't Hear About Them Everyday It's Happening Behind Those Closed Doors. You Don't Find Out The Vampire Is A Vampire Until You Are Already In Its Clutches And By Then It's Too Late For You. This Is How They Control All Of You. And Eliminate Those They Want At Will. They Will Lie, Cheat, Steal & Kill To WIn The Game. Knowing Most Of You Wont. Wolves vs The Sheep.

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