Genesis 16 Psalm 33:18-22 Proverbs 17:18 Mark 7:1-23 Holy Scripture Bible Reading Plan Audio

29 days ago

Genesis 16:
In this chapter, Sarai (later known as Sarah), unable to bear children, gives her maidservant Hagar to her husband Abram (later known as Abraham) as a wife in the hope of building a family through her. When Hagar becomes pregnant, tensions arise between her and Sarai. Sarai deals harshly with Hagar, and Hagar flees into the wilderness. There, an angel of the Lord finds her and tells her to return to Sarai and submit to her authority. The angel also promises to multiply her descendants exceedingly and reveals that she is carrying a son whom she shall call Ishmael, meaning "God hears." Hagar returns to Abram's household, and Ishmael is born.

Psalm 33:18-22:
In this portion of Psalm 33, the psalmist acknowledges the Lord's watchful care over those who fear Him and hope in His unfailing love. They declare that God is the source of their salvation and protection, and they trust in Him with their whole hearts. The psalmist calls upon God to show His unfailing love to His people, for they trust in Him alone. They express confidence in God's mercy and pray for His presence to be upon them, as they put their hope in His holy name.

Proverbs 17:18:
This proverb warns against becoming surety for another person's debts, particularly if one lacks sense or understanding. It suggests that offering to guarantee someone else's loan is unwise and can lead to financial trouble and strife. The proverb emphasizes the importance of exercising prudence and caution in financial matters, avoiding unnecessary risks that could bring harm.

Mark 7:1-23:
In this passage, the Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem criticize Jesus and His disciples for not adhering to the tradition of ceremonial washing before eating. Jesus responds by rebuking them for elevating human traditions above God's commandments. He quotes from Isaiah, condemning their hypocrisy, as they honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. Jesus then teaches the crowd that it is not what goes into a person's mouth that defiles them but what comes out of their heart. He explains that evil thoughts and actions originate from within, defiling a person, and lists various sinful behaviors that come from the heart.

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