Axios Political Reporter Marvels At Trump Trying to Take Out House Freedom Caucus Chair

12 hours ago

Axios political reporter Hans Nichols joined a CNN panel on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming Virginia primaries, in which House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good (R-VA) is fending off a stiff challenge backed by both former President Donald Trump and ex-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“Congressman Bob Good won his Virginia House district by 15 points in 2022. Just two years ago, he chairs the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus. And yet, he may be on the verge of getting a pink slip from Republican constituents in his ruby red district. Now, why have they turned against him? It could have something to do with this,” began anchor Dana Bash before showing a clip of Goode’s floor speech voting to oust McCarthy last October.

“That was Good speaking about Kevin McCarthy, just before he joined seven other Republicans in ousting the now former speaker. But it could go back even further to this decision from last spring,” Bash continued, introducing another clip.
“Just want to congratulate and thank Governor Ron DeSantis. America is hungry for courageous conservative leadership, and that’s on display nowhere else like it is in the state of Florida,” Good says in the clip.

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