21 days ago

This is my offering to the Trump campaign for use as their new theme song

Over twenty years ago, I wrote this anthemic tune. It recently occurred to me that the Trump campaign might like to use it. I believe it engenders the values his constituency professes to embrace of pride in America and traditional heteronormative family values.

If my memory is correct, during Trump's last campaign the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want" was played at his rallies as the de facto theme song. I remember reading that this upset the rock band's guitarist, Keith Richards, causing him to declare if he ever had the chance, he'd punch Trump in the nose! I suspect he was not so outraged that he refused on principle to cash royalty checks he and his fellow bandmates received for the song's use. Ingrates one and all! Trump should use my tune. I'd be VERY grateful and appreciative of any royalty checks coming MY way!

I admit my performance and the recording of this tune could be better. The listener should make allowances for my decrepitude. I'm old and have lived a HARD life! However, it would be easy for some real pros to rerecord it. Think how great this song would sound being sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Trump's next inaugural celebration! They could all wear fancy church robes and red Trump trucker's hats on the stage. The liberals would have a conniption! They could use horns or something over the middle section where, in this video, I included an impromptu soliloquy concerning a fictional character, my buddy Larry the heroin enthusiast, and some of the trauma he experienced after he was released from jail after being unjustly accused, according to the letter of the law, of attempted sexual assault of a young temptress. This is part of a continuing story I use in some of my other songs yet to be posted on any media platforms.

I apologize to any liberals who feel marginalized by the song and consider its message to be cloying, saccharine and old fashioned, designed to pander to the conservative demographic of our country whom they despise and detest. I experimented with rewriting it in a way more inclusive as the new "woke" culture dictates, but the cadence just wouldn't work if I switched out the gender references with words like hermaphrodite or transvestite or one of the pronouns we older folks are always getting in trouble for using wrong. Be consoled, I am presently working on several songs which, hopefully, will be ready for use in YOUR campaigns with working titles like "What Are You, Anyway?" and "Rules For Thee, But Not For Me". As soon as they are finished, I promise I'll make them available for your enjoyment and fairly compensated copyright enabled use and distribution balancing out any karmic debt I've incurred through the posting on this website of this song. Take heart comrades, help is on the way!

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