ReAwaken America Tour DTW -D1- Jackson Lahmeyer - Faith & Courage in Troubled Times - Captions

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ReAwaken America Tour Detroit, MI - DAY 1 | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash Patel, Mayor Giuliani & Team America + Request Tickets for October 18-19, 2024 Selma, NC At:

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Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer all the way
from Tulsa.
Alright. Are you all glad to be
here? Hey, before you're
seated, ever stand up, stand
up, stand up, stand up just for
a second. Will you turn to
somebody around you near you
that you maybe haven't said
hello to and give em a high
five and tell em happy Friday.
There's a lot of bad news out
there. Tell em happy Friday.
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, now do me a
favor. Do me a favor. Look at
me. Look at me. Why don't we
look up and let's tell Jesus
happy Friday. Let's tell it.
Come on. Happy Friday. It's a
good day. This is the day t hat
the lord has made, right? Come
on. You can take your seats and
as Clay said, my name is
Jackson Lahmeyer and I've been
asked to do something nearly
impossible. I don't want to say
it's totally impossible but
it's nearly impossible. I have
been asked to take my sermon
from this last Sunday which was
an hour long and condense it
into 15 minutes, alright? So,
can you all stretch your hands
for then maybe pray for me a
little bit. 15 minutes. At
Sheridan Church, we're a Bible
church meaning we go verse by
verse, chapter by chapter, book
by book through the Bible and
on Sundays, we are in the book
of Acts and we've been in the
Book of Acts 45 weeks and we're
only in chapter thirteen,
alright? So, we're moving.
We're moving and chapter
thirteen, I've been asked just
to take a few moments and to
condense Sunday's because I
believe it it will bless you
but in Acts chapter 13 it's
actually the first time that
Christians intentionally go to
preach the gospel to non
believers it's the first
missionary trip which includes
a guy of Saul of Tarsus who
will have his name changed to
Paul the apostle another guy
named Barnabas and their
assistant a guy named John Mark
who will write the gospel of
Mark but they set sail for the
first trip and they choose an
island called Cyprus to go
preach the gospel. Now I find
it interesting. Cyprus was like
a modern day Hawaii, okay? And
so where did these missionaries
choose to go to first? You
know, I think we ought to go
suffer for Jesus over in Hawaii
and so they choose Cyprus to go
preach the gospel but you know,
somebody's gotta reach the
Samoans, right? So, they go
they go over there and now it's
time to go from Cyprus to the
next city and this what I
want to read to you. It's Acts
chapter thirteen verse thirteen
and it reads like this from
Paphos. Paul and his
companions, this is Barnabas
and this is John Mark. They
sailed to Perga. Will you say
that word out loud with me,
Perga. I'll say it like you can
say it, Perga. They went to
Perga in Pamphilia where John,
John, Mark, he left them to
return to Jerusalem and that's
interesting. They go to Hawaii,
they go to Cyprus and
everything is good and they go
to Perga and it is here that
John Mark leaves and the
question becomes, why does this
guy abandon Paul and Barnabas
and here's the reason why.
Perga was not like Cyprus. In
fact, Perga was full of
scoundrels, bandits, criminals,
and the area was dominated by
pirates, alright? So, I want
you like pirates of the
Caribbean, alright? Perga was
pirates and it is here that
Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark,
they get robbed and they get
beaten by pirates, alright?
Question, have you ever served
God and done exactly what God
told you to do and maybe your
reward wasn't a million dollars
in your bank account but your
reward was getting beaten in
robbed by some pirates. Has
anybody ever had that
experience? You did exactly
what God. Obviously, some of
you haven't done what God's
told you to do because whenever
you do what God tells you to
do, there will be opposition
from the enemy and so John Mark
leaves them at Perga. Something
else you should know about
Perga is that city was sea
level. It was sea level and a
common illness that travelers
would catch going to Perga was
malaria. Now, I want you to tap
your neighbor and say malaria.
Tap your other neighbor and say
malaria. I'm telling you this
for a reason because the next
verse is so important. Verse
fourteen. From Perga where
there was pirates, bandits,
scoundrels, and malaria. From
Perga, they went on to
Pasidian, Antioch, and on the
Sabbath they entered the
synagogue and they sat down.
Now, I've got a map. I'm
going to show you something.
From Perga to Antioch, is 120
miles, alright? They made this
journey by foot 120 miles but
here's what's crazy. Perga was
sea level. Antioch was 3600
feet above sea level. So, I
want you to think about this
journey. You know, we complain
in modern day times about how
tough it is to share the gospel
and you know, we get on an
airplane and we travel here and
there. These guys they traveled
120 miles by foot up a steep
incline and if that doesn't
shame you a little bit for the
complaining that you do as a
21st century American when it
comes to sharing the gospel,
you should feel a little bit of
shame right now. You should.
You say, pastors aren't
supposed to shame us. I'm
shaming you right now. I
literally am and can I make you
feel even worse? One person,
that's all I needed. On this
journey from Perga to Antioch,
you know what illness he caught
in Perga? What illness did he
catch in Perga? He caught
malaria which is why they would
go up 3600 feet in sea level
because you would get to a high
altitude which would help your
body fight the malaria fever.
In fact, Paul tells us exactly
why he went to this region
called Galatia. You see,
Antioch was a city in a region
called Galatia. How many of you
in here have ever Heard of the
book of Galatians. Let me see.
Listen to what Paul says.
Galatians four thirteen. As you
know, it was because of an
illness. What illness is this?
Malaria. It was because of an
illness that I first preached
the gospel to you. Now, why did
Paul go preach to the
Galatians? Because he was what?
He was sick. It was because of
an illness that I went and
preached to you. Now, think
about this for a second. I Do
you know the reason why we have
the book of Galatians? We have
the book of Galatians because
Paul and Barnabas went to a
place called Perga where they
got beaten and robbed by
pirates and the make matters
worse, the apostle Paul, what
illness did he catch? Malaria.
If Paul doesn't catch malaria,
guess where he does not choose
to go to. He's not choosing a
one hundred and twenty mile up
a steep incline to go to
Antioch Pasidian to preach the
gospel but because got sick,
you and I are blessed today
with the book of Galatians.
Now, let me bring it home to
you. Is it possible that the
malaria you are fighting in
your life is the very thing
that God is using in your life
to get you to the place and the
destiny that he has for you.
Could it be the malaria in the
United States of America is
actually the very thing that
God is going to use to Bring us
to the place where he wants us
preaching the gospel and thank
you for the golf clap right
over here.
You see, a lot of times we say,
if I'm in the center of God's
will, I will never get robbed
and beaten by pirates. If I'm
in the center of God's will,
I'll never catch malaria. Go
tell that to the apostle Paul
who is directly in the center
of God's will but you see, this
is what I've come to learn. We
know that God makes all things.
Everyone say all things. All
things. We know that God makes
all things work together for
our good. All things it
includes all things. Meaning,
the good things we experience
even the bad things that we
experience. God makes all
things work together for our
good because we love him and we
are called according to his
purpose. What that means is
this, God does not make all
things work together for the
good of my preferences. I
promise you, Paul did not
prefer to get robbed and beaten
by pirates in Perga. I promise
you, Paul did not prefer to
catch malaria and take a
journey by foot on a steep
incline. Paul did not prefer
that but God's purpose was to
get the gospel to the
Galatians. Therefore, all
things. Somebody say all
things. All things. All things
work together for good. Now,
let me read to you real quickly
something you're familiar with.
You hear it all the time but
I'm going to show you
something. Am I doing alright
on condensing this hour sermon
down to, alright. Psalms
twenty-three one, you know
what, the lord is my shepherd
and because the lord is my
shepherd, I lack nothing. He
makes me lie down in green
pastures. He leads me beside
quiet waters. He refreshes my
soul. He guides me along the
right paths for his name's sake
but look at this. Even though I
walk through the darkest
valley, I will fear no evil for
you are with me. Your rod and
your staff, they comfort me and
this is the verse I really
love. You prepare a table
before me in the presence of my
enemies. Here's what I want you
to notice though. Before you
reach the table, guess what you
first have to travel through?
The darkest of valleys. Before
I reach the table that the Lord
has prepared for me, I travel
through the dark of valleys and
here's what I've discovered.
Every good thing that God does,
God always begins and God's
always starts in darkness which
means if you are in a dark
season today, God is doing a
good thing. Would anybody say
that the United States of
America is in a very dark
season? But here's what I know.
He is prepared a table for us
in the presence of our enemies.
Do you remember? Every good
thing God starts. Every good
thing he starts in darkness. In
the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth and the
earth was what? Formless and
empty and darkness covered the
face of the deep and the spirit
of the lord was hovering over
the deep waters and out of
darkness, God said, let there
be Be light and there was
evening and there was morning
the first day. The question is,
why is it not morning and then
evening? Why is it evening and
morning? Because every good
thing that God does. He begins
it in darkness which encourages
me our nation is in darkness
but I can be confident God is
doing a good thing in this
country and there will the
moment where there is light.
Anybody ready for some light to
take place in the United States
of America? Let me end by
encouraging you. Let me end by
encouraging you because it is
dark. There was this elderly
woman. She came to church one
Sunday and she was totally
broke. She didn't know what to
do. She had no food at her
house and she went to church
and she heard the preacher
preach an inspiring sermon
saying, whatever it is that you
Need in your life. God is going
to do it. And she took hold of
that by faith and she drove
home and she started kind of
singing to herself. God's
going to do it. God's going to
do it. You ever had to just
encourage yourself sometimes in
life. She encouraged herself.
God's going to do it. She got
home and she started shouting.
God's going to do it. God's
going to do it. And so she went
to her refrigerator believing
that God was going to do it.
She opened up her refrigerator
and there was nothing inside
the refrigerator and she
could've quit in that moment
but instead, she started
shouting even louder. God's
going to do it. God's going to
do it. Well, she had a neighbor
who was an atheist and the
atheist got really annoyed with
this elderly woman who kept
shouting all Sunday, God's
going to do it. So, he went to
the grocery store and he bought
several carts full of
groceries. He took the
groceries to this woman's
house, put em on the porch,
knocked on the door, went and
hid in the bushes. The woman
opens the door and here's carts
of groceries on her front porch
and she starts shouting. God
did it. God did it. All of a
sudden, don't cheer yet. The
atheist popped out of the
bushes. He said, I got you.
Your God did nothing. I bought
these groceries and here is the
receipt to prove it. She looked
at the receipt. She looked at
the groceries. She started
shopping even louder. God did
it. God did it. He got mad. He
said, you God didn't do
anything. I bought the
groceries. Here's the receipt.
She looked at the receipt
again. She looked at the
groceries and in a louder
voice. She said, God did it.
God did it and he made the
devil pay for it.
I don't know how God is going
to do it in this country but
here's what I know. God is
going to do it. I'm telling
you, God is going to do it and
here's some good news. He's
going to make the devil pay for
it in the United States of
America because he prepares a
table before us. Do you believe
that? Well, thank you so much
for the opportunity to share
with you. Let's give it up for
Clay Clark.
Alright, real quick here. Uh
bonus round, bonus fry, bonus.
Um so, bird flu, back to bird
flu. Bird flu. That's my
official sound for bird flu.
Okay. So, bird flu. That's how
I hear it. Okay. So, if you
look up Google Bird flu, okay,
bird flu. You're googling bird
flu. You got it. Bird flu. We
put up on the screens real
quick. Bird flu, bird flu.
Okay. Uh click on news. Now,
the bird flu, the good news
about the bird flu. Uh great
great news about bird flu is
they already have a vaccine
ready to go. So, if you just
going to click on news, Devin.
News. News. Yeah, I already got
it. You got it ready. I mean,
just happened but they're
ready. There you go. Scientists
are testing mRNA vaccines to
protect cows and people against
bird flu. Uh what? So last time
they had the how many of you
remember how many of you had a
job that told you had to take a
shot? How many stand up? How
many of you had a job? They
said take a shot. You want to
go to college? They want you to
take a shot. You want to go on
a cruise? Take the shot. How
many of you were told by
somebody? You gotta take the
shot to come on Thanksgiving
Mom because you're crazy. I
want to see. Okay. So keep
standing. Keep saying. So this
guy we were talking and I said
hey man you're signing you are
signing COVID-19 vaccine
religious exemptions and very
few pastors in Tulsa were
willing to do it and then you
did what? Well we signed a
whole bunch of them. In fact
over a two year period of time
I signed over 65, 000 COVID-19
religious exemption forms and
can I just share how that
happened? Okay I'm going to
tell you how it happened. This
is talking about how God does a
good thing in darkness. I was
only signing. Clay said You
gotta help people and so we're
signing religious exemptions
for people in our church and
their friends and all of a
sudden, I get a call from the
Washington Post, alright? And
the Washington Post says, we're
going to write a story about
you and how you're endangering
everybody in the state of
Oklahoma by signing these
COVID-19 exemptions and they
said, do you want to comment in
the story? And I said, I'll
make a comment as long as you
allow my website to be in the
story and the journalist well
let me talk to the editor. If
he approves then we'll do it.
The editor approved. And so
they wrote a nasty hit piece
about me. It was so bad. I
didn't like myself for 3 weeks
after I read it okay. It was
that bad. And but they included
my website in the hit piece.
And so here's what happened.
Anytime somebody went to
Google. And they Googled
COVID-19 religious exemption
form. Guess who's website was
at the very top. Thanks to the
Washington Post. And so we have
to thank the Post because they
helped save tens of thousands
of jobs and lives because what
they meant for evil, guess
what? God had already intended
it for good. So anyways, Okay,
you can't leave yet still.
Okay. So, Devin, go to Rumble
real quick, okay? You go to
Rumble and then type in Klaus
Schwab and then changes you in
the search, okay? How many of
you know who Klah Schwab is?
Again, it's a quick survey. Who
does not know who Klaus Schwab
is? Anybody? Okay. So, he's the
founder of the World Economic
Forum. Now, I want to teach
everybody how to sound like
Schwab. The first thing you
gotta do is when you are
pausing like when the other
person is talking, you want to
say, oh Like how many of you
remember a Commodore computer,
your first IBM computer with
the floppy disc, remember that?
When the video game wouldn't
work, you would blow on the
game. Remember that? The Atari
wouldn't work, you blow on it?
Remember that? And you put, you
put it, you put a floppy in
there and then you would hit
enter because you're playing
Oregon Trail. Who remembers
this? You're playing Oregon
Trail? Remember that caught?
You know what I'm saying?
You're playing Pong? Remember
Pong? Poop.
Remember that? And then you hit
and all of a sudden you go ah.
Remember when the AOL disc came
in? You've got mail. And you
have like 300 free hours and
two hundred99 of it was spent
downloading a picture of a
giraffe? Ah. That's cut its
stuff. I'm going to teach you
how to sound like Schwab. Just
picture that moment. Okay. So
let's go ahead and click on the
second video here. Second
video. Okay. Hit play. Crank it
up. The features of this false
industrial. Back it up a little
bit. I speak Schwab. The
features of this false
industrial revolution is that
it doesn't change what we are
doing but it changes us. Pause.
Pause. Let me translate. He
says the future of the the the
doesn't so much change what
you're doing as much as it
changes us. Okay. Now, what
he's saying is that if you take
the mRNA modifying
nanotechnology shots, it's
going to change you and we were
created in the image of God.
So, you get this idea? So, they
already have the burn flu
vaccine. And they already have
vaccine. Are we getting this?
Are we on the same page? Can
you see how it's putting
together here? I needed sock
puppets for myself at a certain
point. Translation, if they're
going to, if it goes under the
skin, they win. That's the
plan, right? Okay, so keep it
in play. Claus Schwab, here we
go. And you see, the difference
of this first industrial
revolution is it doesn't change
what you are doing. It changes
you if you take a genetic
editing. Pause. So you gotta if
you want to sound like like
Schwab. You gotta kind of look
like a slob like your face is
just tired. So, different
solves of force industrial
revolution is it doesn't so
much. Change what you're doing
as much as it changes. The only
time you get excited is when
you discover your own idea. Is
it changes you? If you think
the genetic ethnic. Now, this
is the sort of jackassory you
can find on our YouTube
channel. Jackassery is like a
demonic satanic habit force
that causes poverty, divorce,
drug addiction. I don't know.
Do you have, do you teach
anything about Jack Asserie at
Sheridan dot church? Teach
about Jack Asserie all the time
at Sheridan dot church which is
why we take so much heat in the
media, you know? So anyway.
Now, tell us about some of the
guest speakers you're bringing
in because people here want to
watch online in the next couple
weeks. Just say that. Sheridan
dot church. That's the website.
Sheridan dot church. Tell us
some of the guest speakers
you're bringing in. Yeah. So,
coming up at the end of this
month, a great man who's doing
great things. Tim Tebow will be
at our church and yeah, The
following month, we've got a
warrior right now who all of us
need to be supporting. Riley
Gaines will be coming to our
church and she is fighting this
evil of this transgender
movement that is invading our
public schools and everything
like that and so we've had in
the past General Flynn and so
many others. Laura Trump will
be here tonight and so just
great things Sheridan dot
church and like I said, if you
just want to really know the
Book of Acts, You can watch
forty-five sermons over 13
chapters and you will know the
book of Acts. And then your
Bible school is it like 25000 a
year. How much is your Bible
school? Bible college is
amazing. We designed it for
working adults. Meaning you can
take the classes anytime,
anywhere from wherever you are
and for the entire year, Clay,
for all 12 classes, the entire
year, $600. The entire year. So
that's like a dollar and 72
cents a day. You're ripping
people off. Let's go back to my
negative videos. Back to this
guy's a scammer. Okay, hit play
here. Here we go. Here we go.
But just as an example, it's
you who are changing and of
course this has a big impact on
your identity. People don't
want to hear this message that
they are hackable animals.
Okay, now that we realize that
our brains can be hacked, we
need an antivirus for the
brain, just as we have one for
the computer. Pause, quick time
out. I don't know you can tell
but they're both gay. Keep
going. Okay. Humans are now
hackable animals. You know the
the whole idea that humans have
you know this they they have
this soul or spirit and they
have free will and nobody knows
what's happening inside me. So
whatever I choose whether in
the election or whether in the
supermarket this is my free
will that's over. And this is
obviously sounding increasingly
like a Black Murray episode.
Everything that's encoded in
memory you could you could
upload. You basically store
your memories as a backup and
restore the memories. Um and
ultimately you could
potentially download them into
a new body or into a robot
body. The future's going to be
weird. I would presume it would
be consensual. Um because you
definitely don't want just
people you know sending stuff
into your reign without your
consent. I mean COVID makes it
it accelerates the process of
digitalization and
automatization. It legitimize
the deployment of mass
surveillance even in democratic
countries and it makes
surveillance go under your
skin. Okay before we bring up
our next presenter I just
want to make sure you get get
this because between Pastor
Jackson Lahmeyer next presenter
I really don't believe you're
going to know what's going on
we're not going to what's going
on unless we're tuning in to
some pastor of some kind okay
so during this event you're
going to hear from Eric Trump
and Cash Patel and great people
I also bring up a lot of You'll
probably have 15% of our
speakers are going to be
pastors, okay? And so, if you
haven't read the Bible in a
while, I'm going to help you
real quick. Just a place to go
to, okay? Mark chapter
thirteen, zoom. Just write it
down. Mark chapter thirteen. Go
there. Uh Matthew chapter
twenty-four. Just go right
there quickly. Luke chapter
twenty-one. Luke chapter and
some of you have been to
churches where you go to a big
church. Bring a small Bible and
the pastor never references the
Bible and you can't read it
because it's a small font.
There's a lot of fog. That's
not here. So, Luke chapter
twenty-one, Matthew chapter
twenty-one, Mark chapter
thirteen, that is what is
happening. Mark chapter
thirteen, Luke chapter
twenty-one, Matthew chapter
twenty-four and Revelation
chapter thirteen verse sixteen
through eighteen says, you
won't be able to buy or sell
without technology going under
your skin, right? We know about
this, right? Mark of the beast
and that is what they are now
talking about with you all Noah
Harari where he says, Covid
makes surveillance go under the
skin. Hopefully, we're seeing
those parallels and then
finally, Revelation chapter
sixteen verse twelve 14. The
Bible states that when the
Euphrates River dries up and it
is, then the false prophet will
show up. By the way, you've all
know a Harahi, the guy you just
saw is known as the prophet.
He's the world's best-selling
author. He sold 47 million
copies of his books since the
pandemic. Uh he's praised by
Obama, Zuckerberg Gates, MIT
Stanford Harvard. So, Euphrates
River's Drying Up, false
prophet showing up. This is all
Revelation chapter sixteen
verse twelve to fourteen.
Euphrates River dries up, false
prophet shows up. China and
Russia teams up. How many of
you know China and Russia are
teaming up right now? Bam. And
the gong here they're teaming
up, okay? And then we have the
beast technology showing up,
okay? And all the nations
gather gather again around
Israel and then things blow up.
Are we on the same page? It's
Revelation chapter sixteen
verse twelve to fourteen. So,
if you want to know what's
going on, if you want to know
the news from a biblical
perspective, I highly recommend
you take out Sheridan dot
church, Sheridan dot church and
I'll introduce our next pastor
because these two guys really
cover the gamut. I encourage
you to plug in to their
ministries. One more time, I'll
give you the final word, Pastor
Jackson. For anybody who might
want to check out Sheridan dot
church or would you Well, I do
have a series over the Book of
Revelation which is verse by
verse, chapter by chapter and
as Clay is saying, I believe
we're living in not just you
know, you hear people say these
are the last days. I think
we're in the last minutes of
the last days and therefore, we
need to be prepared knowing
what is taking place because as
Clay said earlier, God has not
given us a spirit of fear and
the enemy wants to paralyze the
people of God through fear but
whenever we are prepared, we
can walk in faith and that's
what our nation needs right now
is a brave and bold church with
courage and that's what you and
I can be. So, thank you. One
more time, Pastor Jackson

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