When Your Child Goes Missing: Part 3

12 days ago

Part 3: A Missing Child Guide: The Long Term, Emotional & Physical Strength, Family Considerations. All resources discussed in the presentation are listed below. #Crime #MissingChildren #AmberAlert #FamilyResources

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh176/files/pubs/childismissing/ch1.html
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Office for Victims of Crime
Missing and Exploited Children's Program U.S. Department of Justice
Family Survival Guide Video Library
This Amber Advocate Site Offers a multitude of Video Resources. You can listen at your own pace the stories of families. You are given guidance on how to handle social media, rewards, tips and so much more!

Video created with Openshot
Media used in the video: Pexels.com: RDNE Stock Project, SHVETS Production, Suraphat Nuea-on, Treedeo.ST, Pressmaster & Cottonbro Studio
Narration: Text to Speech ElevenLabs

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