Thursday Bible Life Today The Beginnings-Genesis 8-9 6-20-2024

8 months ago

Chapter 8 begins with the opening of the 7th Seal, which gives way to the seven Trumpet Judgments. There is silence in heaven for a half hour before the seven angels with the seven trumpets begin. Another, eighth angel comes forth with a golden censer and offers much incense along with the prayers of the saints before the throne. He then fills the censer with fire from the altar and throws it upon the earth, resulting in thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. Then the angels begin to sound their trumpets.
Many scholars refer to these judgments as the judgment of the "thirds" in that each seem to affect a third of whatever is targeted.
Trumpet 1 -- a third of the trees and all green grass
Trumpet 2 -- a third of the sea became blood; a third of the creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed
Trumpet 3 -- a third of the fresh water was contaminated with wormwood
Trumpet 4 -- a third of all the lights in the lights in the heavens were darkened. Then an angel flew through the heavens shouting three woes fore the final three trumpets
Trumpet 5 -- locusts from the bottomless pit came out to harm those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Those smitten would seek death but not find it
Trumpet 6 -- angels were loosed from the Euphrates to kill a third of mankind
We had already seen that during the Seal judgments a fourth of the population was destroyed, so now by this time a total of half the world's population will have died.
The sad thing is that those who were still living, but unbelieving were still not inclined to repent and turn to God from their idolatry and wickedness.

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