Elon Musk Makes Shocking Announcement!? ‘It’s All Coming to an End’!

3 months ago

RR News Update! – June 18th, 2024 Justus Knight

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On today’s broadcast:

Title: Elon Musk Makes Shocking Announcement!? ‘It’s All Coming to an End!

Description :

Elon Musk recently issued a stark warning, cautioning that those advocating for humanity’s prosperity are engaged in a battle against what he termed as an “extinctionist” philosophy propagated by environmental extremists who view humans as a “plague on the Earth.” Or, according to Wikipedia “The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is an environmental movement that calls for all people to abstain from reproduction in order to cause the gradual voluntary extinction of humankind.” Wikipedia. What a wonderful life some of these leftist must lead, to be held up in some shanty or inner city abode, rocking back and forth on their worn out lazy boy with a box of vegan Cheetos, Cheez Whiz and Diet Coke.

Speaking at the Cato Institute, Musk discussed his concerns about the declining birth rates worldwide, describing the trend as alarming and accelerating across most countries. “If there are no humans, there’s no humanity,” Musk emphasized, underscoring the importance of addressing the birth rate issue. “We need to make them somehow,” he added. But let’s listen in here for just a minute. So, is Elon Musk right? More right than most can imagine, and that’s the story we’re going to cover for you here today in just a few minutes.

In criticizing extreme environmentalist sentiments, Musk coined the term “The Extinctionist Movement,” highlighting a belief that humans are inherently detrimental to Earth’s well-being. “People start to view humans as a plague on the surface of the earth, as a fundamentally bad thing,” Musk explained, suggesting a widespread perception that Earth would be better off without humans. Here’s more from Elon.

Don’t believe what he’s saying, let’s bring the evidence. Here from The Lancet, Dramatic declines in global fertility rates set to transform global population patterns by 2100, new GBD Capstone study suggests.

Or here from the World Bank. Now, if this wasn’t true then why isn’t the Government incentivizing EVERYONE to have more children right now? Simple, they believe you are a virus, a scourge on this Earth. We are consuming too many resources, using too much energy, breathing too much air and the only way to solve this is to…you guessed it, assure the population does not continue to grow. Don’t believe me, listen to this eco lunatic.

Musk framed the debate as a clash between expansionist and extinctionist philosophies, asserting, “That’s what really matters. If humans go extinct or civilization collapses, whatever policies we may have are irrelevant.” He stressed the necessity of an expansionist mindset to ensure the survival and progress of civilization, warning of a future dominated by robots if human expansion does not occur.

“We must seek to go beyond what we’ve done in the past to increase the number of humans,” Musk declared, concluding with a call to action: “Go forth and multiply.”

This message echoes Musk’s ongoing concerns and warnings. He has previously criticized what he sees as a growing acceptance of anti-human or trans-human ideologies among some factions on the left, accusing them of labeling pro-natalist views as “far-right” or elitist. Just see here what Politico has to say about what is called “Natal Con”. “NatalCon’s emphasis on childbirth notwithstanding, there are very few women in the cavernous conference room of the LINE Hotel. The mostly male audience includes people of all ages, many of whom are childless themselves. Some of the women in attendance, however, have come to Austin with their children in tow — a visual representation of the desired outcome of this weekend. As if to emphasize the reason we’re all gathered here today, a baby babbles in the background while Dolan delivers his opening remarks.”

“Broadly speaking, the people who have paid as much as $1,000 to attend the conference are members of the New Right, a conglomeration of people in the populist wing of the conservative movement who believe we need seismic changes to the way we live now — and who often see the past as the best model for the future they’d like to build. Their ideology, such as it exists, is far from cohesive, and factions of the New Right are frequently in disagreement. But this weekend, these roughly aligned groups, from the libertarian-adjacent tech types to the Heritage Foundation staffers, along with some who likely have no connection with traditionally conservative or far-right causes at all, have found a unifying cause in natalism.”

So although I am not a huge fan of Elon Musk, I hope what I have presented you proves that his thoughts, in this case, are absolutely validated. This is a war against God, religion, birth rights and pro-creation. They truly believe that the only way to preserve creation is to not pro-create…in a nutshell that sums up the lunacy of their entire argument.

So, as we always like to conclude, what say you!? Your opinion is what matters and I want to see it in the comments below.

I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless, Justus Knight…signing out.

Justus Knight

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