That Hideous Strength - The Space Trilogy - C. S. Lewis - Part III

6 months ago

A world in distress, stressed out couples and singles, shadowy organizations and the people behind them, fear, terror, dystopia. That Hideous Strength - By C. S. Lewis - The final entry in The Space Trilogy, and the darkest of the three. Lewis weaves quite a tale in these three books, especially the third. Throughout, he mixes in his Christian beliefs, but he also weaves in a healthy helping of fairy tale for good measure. We even get to see a hint at the coming World Economic Forum, the W.E.F. and the evil behind it. This time, we are mostly following the adventures of Mark and Jane Studdock, and the traps they fall into, and yes, our old friend, Elwin Ransom makes an appearance, actually more than an appearance.

And then there is the somewhat prophetic side of this story, which boils down to a warning against scientism, when scientists and the autocrats who love them would rule the world.

This story is the follow - on to Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, all three books work together as a whole, but all three are also comfortably stand-alone.

Part I - Out Of The Silent Planet is Here:

Part II - Perelandra Is Here:

Thumbnail Image: "bigodão + goatee aparado" by DJ Spark

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