In Australia only Chinese and European students care about quality of education, the rest want jobs

3 months ago

Video: In Australia only Chinese and European students care about quality of education, the rest want jobs 澳洲:只有中國和歐洲學生關心教育質量,其他人都想要工作

Western countries are cracking down on education visa fraud, as university systems are overwhelmed with student applications from poor countries. Students from the developing world now typically use enrollment letters from universities, then after arrival begin work in low-skilled positions.

Students from China and Europe are much more likely to cite "quality of education" and "institution ranking" as top criteria for university selection. Students from Africa and South Asia rank the opportunity to work while enrolled, and immigration; education quality concerns were ranked last.

Economists in Australia observe that as universities there began recruitment efforts to poorer countries, profound shifts occurred in study-work habits. Another shocking trend was toward foreign graduates working in careers that didn't require even high school diplomas, let alone university degrees.

西方國家正在打擊教育簽證詐欺行為,因為大學系統因來自貧窮國家的學生申請而不堪重負。 來自發展中國家的學生現在通常使用大學的入學通知書,然後在抵達後開始在低技能職位工作。

來自中國和歐洲的學生更有可能將「教育品質」和「院校排名」作為選擇大學的首要標準。 來自非洲和南亞的學生對在校期間工作和移民的機會進行排名;教育品質問題排在最後。

澳洲經濟學家觀察到,隨著那裡的大學開始向較貧窮國家招收學生,學習和工作習慣發生了深刻的轉變。 另一個令人震驚的趨勢是,外國畢業生從事的職業甚至不需要高中文憑,更不用說大學學位了.

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