10 hours ago

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Description/Info Box:
VfB raiding the vault for moar hidden treasures 💰
What the elite don’t want you to know!
Featuring: Alex Jones, Rob Dew, Jon Bowne, Dan Bidondi and others who expose this diabolical plot for world depopulation by the global elite!
Most educational & detailed documentary yet! Revealing how the globalists since the 1900’s from Eugenics to Operation Paper Clip to Agenda 21 have been using Sodium Fluoride to dumb down and exterminate 90% of the worlds population, to bring in a New World Order!
Packed full with documents, quotes, news clips, articles while taking a walk through history.
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Meer informatie:
This essay's first drafts, written in 1998, began with a several page chemistry narrative that presented some chemistry concepts. The original chemistry prelude was designed to help the reader understand the nature of fluoride, why it is used in industry how it is, why it is a waste product of certain industrial processes, and lays the groundwork for understanding why it was so important in the nuclear industry. Early readers felt that it was too much technical information for the lay audience, particularly to begin their reading experience. That prelude is now an addendum to this essay. Reading the prelude is not imperative for understanding this essay, but might make some issues clearer.
In short, fluorine is the most reactive element known to science ("reactive" means its affinity to bonding with other elements).[1] In nature, fluorine is found bonded to other elements, never found by itself, and is rarely found in its ionic state. The industrial processes of the 19th century created the most toxic pollutants that humanity had seen to that time. Taking ore from the earth and removing the metal, especially in aluminum refining, created hazardous waste.
In its ionic state, fluorine is highly toxic. Fluorine bonded to metallic ore in the earth was liberated during the refining process and is difficult-to-impossible to safely dispose. The aluminum refining industry was the biggest and most influential fluoride polluter around 1930, and in America only one company was in the aluminum business: ALCOA.
Fluorine is also useful for producing artificial chemicals such as Teflon and Freon, because of its unique properties. Those unique properties also made fluorine indispensable for refining uranium to extract its most radioactive isotope, which made the nuclear age possible.
Thumbnail: https://robscholtemuseum.nl/truthradioshow-fluoride-the-eugenics-plot-exposed-full-documentary/
Source: "CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!"
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