Why Depression Hits Men Too Easily and How to Vanquish it Forever

12 days ago

This will explain why depression hits men too easily and how to get started, to vanquish depression forever.

While women are twice as likely to take action to remove depression and to improve themselves. Men on the other hand are more likely to ignore or suppress their symptoms because they don’t wish for anyone to see that they haven’t got it together.

Men ignoring their issues was addressed in the RUOK campaign. It began in Australia in 1995 due to a much-loved Barry Larkin who was far from OK. His suicide left family and friends in deep grief and with endless questions. In 2009, his son Gavin Larkin chose to champion just one question to honour his father and to try and protect other families from the pain he endured and launched 'Are you OK?'

When it comes to depression, men respond differently than women and are less likely to communicate their distress. They all too often go it alone as they do in so many areas of their lives. They turn to self-medication sometimes with excessive TV viewing, disproportionate sexual activity or excessive drinking.

During covid, in 2020 a study by the Institute of Family Studies found that only a quarter of men said they would seek help from a mental health professional. Almost 25% said they would not seek help from anyone.

Adult men said they would be least likely to seek help from a phone helpline, with around 80% indicating they would be very unlikely or unlikely to seek help from this source. This is a huge problem for our families as men are not turning to help – and that’s why I produced this video.

I want more men to see this information and understand that not reaching out for help is not only hurting them, but the people they love.

In 2004 I began specialising in helping both men and women with depression. I noticed that most women booked themselves into our clinic, while the large majority of men’s appointments were made by their partners or a concerned family member.

In this video, I aim to help you understand how depression enters our lives and what you can do to remedy it.

Depression doesn’t come from out of the blue. It usually starts with a trigger; a traumatic event. While experts are still figuring out the concrete causes of depression, we do know that the likelihood of you experiencing depression can be influenced by your current circumstances, experiences you’ve had in the past, and even your genetics.

Depression is actually a sign of a healthy brain. If more men realised that there is nothing wrong with them, other than needing some work. I’m sure more men would reach out for help.

Let me explain how your brain works.

If you’re walking along a track in the bush and you see a snake ahead of you. You stop. It makes sense because your brain is designed to protect your life. This is exactly the same thing your brain does when you experience a traumatic event.

After working with hundreds of clients with depression, I noticed that most of them had one to three key, traumatic experiences that caused their brain to say, “Don’t ever do that again.” These events caused our clients to be sad, angry, guilty, fearful, blameful and worse, shameful. What I need you get is that while society sees these emotions as being negative. Your brain uses these emotions to protect you. These emotions cause us to recede and hide, instead of standing up, confidently putting ourselves out into the world.

This is the reason why most people with depression don’t reach out for help as they have decided to exclude things from their life and so they typically retreat, rather than reach out for help. They hide instead of ask for help.

Ladies, if your children or your man is withdrawing, share this video with him as it might help to make some sense of depression. He’s not sick. He’s hurt and doesn’t know how to remove the cause.

To move beyond depression, you need to start by finding small glimmers of hope. Small goals, minor aspirations, anything that helps you to start moving forward.

Thank you to Pixabay video contributors: Nicky ❤️🌿🐞🌿❤️, wastedgeneration, Asif Khan, Coverr-Free-Footage, Osckar Espinosa, mephala1980, Coverr-Free-Footage, Visual Hub, motionstock, Ciprian Stancu, Anatwell-Group, Олександр Копєйкін, MeD, G3 Remote, Ugo Nuzzo, Diego Ortiz, Matthias Groeneveld, CycleZyklusCiclo, dae jeung kim, JosephSenior, Joshua Malic, Jonathan Reichel.

Get help with depression, anxiety and any negative emotions or limiting behaviours via https://lifebeyondlimits.com.au/help/

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