☠️ Poison from above ☠️

8 months ago


Our skies are being constantly poisoned with aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, silver, nano particles, graphene and more.
In the UK, the parasites are spraying mostly at night. The sky is always milky and if there's a tiny patch of blue, some vermin with a plane will appear immediately to spray the area.
What was supposed to be fresh air makes you cough when you breathe in, so dense is the poison in it.
Double whammy, poison the soil and water to kill crops and livestock to create famine, while poisoning the human livestock who will run to the criminal big pharma to be poisoned even more, and the profits are being shared among the happy perpetrators.
Sheeple don't look up, they are all zombified by their own cretinism and won't react even if the Sun disappears completely, but will be the first to cry in panic when hunger strikes them.

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