MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: RNC’s Clips of Biden Are ‘Highly Misleading and Selectively Edited’

29 days ago

Wallace: “There’s a growing and insidious trend in right-wing media, broadcast, print and social media. It is to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos of President Biden directly from Republican National Committee social media accounts, and then use those videos to spread messages virally to cast doubt on President Biden’s fitness for office. Here is this headline from the New York Post: ‘Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks L.A. fundraiser.’ The full video posted by Biden finance chair on Twitter shows something entirely different, Biden reacting to applause and then walking off stage with former President Obama. It comes less than one week after the New York Post made a cover out of another piece of deceptively edited tape calling him ‘Meander in Chief’ due to what they claim was Biden walking away during a skydiving demonstration during the G7 summit last week. The only problem is that the full video, which emerged almost instantly, shows Biden was going over to congratulate one of the skydivers who’s cropped out of the video entirely. But the articles are based on cheap fakes, videos of real events that are intentionally manipulated to fool viewers, released on an RNC opposition research social media account with zero independent fact-checking by these so-called journalists and spread throughout the right-wing ecosystem. We would take the hand-wringing by right-wing media about Biden’s mental fitness and videos intentionally manipulated to make him look unfit maybe a little more seriously if they weren’t radio silent about the repeated glaring and real mental lapses happening behind podiums and on camera on the part of Donald Trump.”

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