Solstice Energies - Disconnect to Reconnect and Finding Joy

1 month ago

A unified message for Solstice whether you are about to mark Summer or Winter.
Looking at:
Not giving your power away to others as 'the oracle' or all truth
The illusion of safety within the matrix, and dwindling returns for staying 'put'
The dangers of temptation and influence of others in our path to self sovereignty
Finding our moral compass, and the trap of distraction
Damage to our auras by lower astral energies and repairing them with yellow and gold
Messages from Archangel Jophiel and Metatron
Solar Plexus imbalance and healing gut issues including a faulty radar
Bringing our unhealed egoic self to the God head
The damage of unsupervised parts of our shadow
Dealing with dualistic energy and the tipping point of realisation we are BOTH
Navigating rabbit holes, whilst doing the inner work
The power of routine
And the importance of JOY
A focus on the colour energies of:
Lemon Joy -
Golden Citrine Solar Plexus
Archangel Jophiel Beauty & Wisdom
#wintersolstice #summersolstice #archangelmetatron #tarotreading #personalgrowth

To donate (thank you)
Oracle Decks: Urban Crow Oracle MJ Cullinane, The Akashic Tarot by Sandra Anne Taylor

Oracle decks:
I have made two Oracle decks:
Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor and The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle deck

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