Cat Brain Games #7 - Mobilize pent up energy from bored frustrated house cats to make them satiated

7 months ago

My boy Roo will work for treats and nothing motivates him more than Greenies. He loves them.... My girl cat Bear will not work for treats, but I have to give her some on the sly in the bowl. It is our little secret between girls. If I don't she will give me the side eye evil eye while also turning her back on me and listening to me (ears back listening)... as if she is trying to make sure nothing else deceptive is happening to her. She feels SO slighted if I don't give her some on the sly. She was a bottle fed orphan without siblings and she is very much trying to assess that everything is fair. Roo is after the prize, never assessing anything. Bear is always counting and making sure everyone is getting equal treatment.

Roo will sit outside on the patio staring at me in the morning.. screaming at me in silence... waiting and wanting me to create do a game so he can get his treats.

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