The NDE Hidden Truth: Psychic Attacks and Religion

14 days ago

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Welcome to the GothicZen® Experience, hosted by Goran. In this episode, we explore the profound and transformative journey of discovering one's life's purpose through the lens of Near-Death Experiences (NDE) and personal suffering. Goran delves into the intricate ways our souls are interconnected and scattered across different realms, highlighting the importance of understanding and embracing our emotional and spiritual experiences.

Goran shares his own personal narrative, reflecting on how an unexpected purchase from an op shop became a symbolic companion in his journey towards self-discovery. He emphasises the belief that parts of ourselves exist in various dimensions, suggesting that our human experiences are crucial for learning and growth. These experiences, whether joyous or painful, contribute to our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

Drawing from his NDE, Goran discusses how such profound experiences can instil confidence and the ability to express one's truth. He argues that personal suffering and emotional challenges are essential aspects of our education and growth as human beings. This journey of learning is not confined to traditional education but is deeply rooted in life's hardships and the emotions they evoke.

Through poignant examples of love, loss, and the mysteries of the universe, Goran encourages viewers to appreciate the contrast between darkness and light, and to find joy and love in every experience. He puts forward that our existence on Earth is a temporary visit, urging us to respect and cherish our surroundings and to inspire others through our actions.

In "Creating Your Life's Purpose," Goran offers a thought-provoking perspective on how NDEs and personal suffering reveal deeper truths about our existence. He invites you to reflect on your own experiences, embrace your unique journey, and find your purpose by tuning into love and higher vibrations.

Join Goran in this introspective and enlightening exploration of life's greatest questions, and discover how your personal suffering can lead to profound truths and a purposeful creative existence.

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Links to Written Works Currently Available:

Creation is an Allegory:

Acupuncture of The Mind:

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