🍿 There is a movie being released next month titled "Fly Me To The Moon"

8 months ago

🍿 There is a movie being released next month titled "Fly Me To The Moon"

The plot shows how NASA secretly "fakes" the Moon landing using Hollywood sets and directors, as a "backup" to the "real mission."

The last line of this trailer is "we should have gotten Kubrick to do this" - a overt reference to famed director Stanley Kubrick, who, on his death bed, admitted (on video) to creating the staged footage of the "moon landing"

The star of the Movie is Woody Harrelson, who's father was in the CIA and participated in the JFK assasination.

This movie comes on the heels of a recent 6 part HBO docudrama about how the CIA setup Nixon in the Watergate scandal and how the same group admitted to participating in the JFK assasintion.

If you think any of this is a mere coincidence and not part of a greater societal "deprogramming"/soft disclosure operation, you have simply not been paying attention to everything happening around us.

Hollywood has been commandeered by the White Hats and is being used for DECLAS.

Link to Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYoB5q-yofs

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